Source code for pvextractor.geometry.path

from __future__ import print_function

import sys

import numpy as np

from astropy.wcs import WCSSUB_CELESTIAL
from astropy.wcs.utils import wcs_to_celestial_frame
from astropy.coordinates import BaseCoordinateFrame

from ..utils.wcs_utils import get_spatial_scale

class Polygon(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y

def segment_angles(x, y):

    dx = np.diff(x)
    dy = np.diff(y)

    d = np.hypot(dx, dy)

    cos_theta = (-dx[:-1] * dx[1:] - dy[:-1] * dy[1:]) / (d[:-1] * d[1:])
    cos_theta = np.clip(cos_theta, -1., 1.)

    sin_theta = (-dx[:-1] * dy[1:] + dy[:-1] * dx[1:]) / (d[:-1] * d[1:])
    sin_theta = np.clip(sin_theta, -1., 1.)

    theta = np.arctan2(sin_theta, cos_theta)

    theta[0] = np.pi
    theta[-1] = np.pi

    return theta

def get_endpoints(x, y, width):

    # Pad with same values at ends, to find slope of perpendicular end
    # lines.
        xp = np.pad(x, 1, mode='edge')
        yp = np.pad(y, 1, mode='edge')
    except AttributeError:  # Numpy < 1.7
        xp = np.hstack([x[0], x, x[-1]])
        yp = np.hstack([y[0], y, y[-1]])

    dx = np.diff(xp)
    dy = np.diff(yp)

    alpha = segment_angles(xp, yp) / 2.
    beta = np.arctan2(dy, dx)[:-1]
    beta[0] = beta[1]
    gamma = -(np.pi - alpha - beta)

    dx = np.cos(gamma)
    dy = np.sin(gamma)

    angles = segment_angles(xp, yp) / 2.

    # Find points offset from main curve, on bisecting lines
    x1 = x - dx * width * 0.5 / np.sin(angles)
    x2 = x + dx * width * 0.5 / np.sin(angles)
    y1 = y - dy * width * 0.5 / np.sin(angles)
    y2 = y + dy * width * 0.5 / np.sin(angles)

    return x1, y1, x2, y2

[docs]class Path(object): """ A curved path that may have a non-zero width and is used to extract slices from cubes. Parameters ---------- xy_or_coords : list or Astropy coordinates The points defining the path. This can be passed as a list of (x, y) tuples, which is interpreted as being pixel positions, or it can be an Astropy coordinate object containing an array of 2 or more coordinates. width : None or float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The width of the path. If ``coords`` is passed as a list of pixel positions, the width should be given (if passed) as a floating-point value in pixels. If ``coords`` is a coordinate object, the width should be passed as a :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` instance with units of angle. If None, interpolation is used at the position of the path. """ def __init__(self, xy_or_coords, width=None): if isinstance(xy_or_coords, list): self._xy = xy_or_coords self._coords = None elif sys.version_info[0] > 2 and isinstance(xy_or_coords, zip): self._xy = list(xy_or_coords) self._coords = None else: self._xy = None self._coords = xy_or_coords self.width = width
[docs] def add_point(self, xy_or_coord): """ Add a point to the path Parameters ---------- xy_or_coord : tuple or Astropy coordinate A tuple (x, y) containing the coordinates of the point to add (if the path is defined in pixel space), or an Astropy coordinate object (if it is defined in world coordinates). """ if self._xy is not None: if isinstance(xy_or_coord, tuple): self._xy.append(xy_or_coord) else: raise TypeError("Path is defined as a list of pixel " "coordinates, so `xy_or_coord` should be " "a tuple of `(x,y)` pixel coordinates.") else: if isinstance(xy_or_coord, BaseCoordinateFrame): raise NotImplementedError("Cannot yet append world coordinates to path") else: raise TypeError("Path is defined in world coordinates, " "so `xy_or_coord` should be an Astropy " "coordinate object.")
[docs] def get_xy(self, wcs=None): """ Return the pixel coordinates of the path. If the path is defined in world coordinates, the appropriate WCS transformation should be passed. Parameters ---------- wcs : :class:`~astropy.wcs.WCS` The WCS transformation to assume in order to transform the path to pixel coordinates. """ if self._xy is not None: return self._xy else: if wcs is None: raise ValueError("`wcs` is needed in order to compute " "the pixel coordinates") else: # Extract the celestial component of the WCS wcs_sky = wcs.sub([WCSSUB_CELESTIAL]) # Find the astropy name for the coordinates celestial_system = wcs_to_celestial_frame(wcs_sky) world_coords = self._coords.transform_to(celestial_system) xw, yw =, return list(zip(*wcs_sky.wcs_world2pix(xw, yw, 0)))
[docs] def sample_points_edges(self, spacing, wcs=None): x, y = zip(*self.get_xy(wcs=wcs)) # Find the distance interval between all pairs of points dx = np.diff(x) dy = np.diff(y) dd = np.hypot(dx, dy) # Find the total displacement along the broken curve d = np.hstack([0., np.cumsum(dd)]) # Figure out the number of points to sample, and stop short of the # last point. n_points = np.floor(d[-1] / spacing) if n_points == 0: raise ValueError("Path is shorter than spacing") d_sampled = np.linspace(0., n_points * spacing, n_points + 1) x_sampled = np.interp(d_sampled, d, x) y_sampled = np.interp(d_sampled, d, y) return d_sampled, x_sampled, y_sampled
[docs] def sample_points(self, spacing, wcs=None): d_sampled, x_sampled, y_sampled = self.sample_points_edges(spacing, wcs=wcs) x_sampled = 0.5 * (x_sampled[:-1] + x_sampled[1:]) y_sampled = 0.5 * (y_sampled[:-1] + y_sampled[1:]) return x_sampled, y_sampled
[docs] def sample_polygons(self, spacing, wcs=None): x, y = zip(*self.get_xy(wcs=wcs)) d_sampled, x_sampled, y_sampled = self.sample_points_edges(spacing, wcs=wcs) # Find the distance interval between all pairs of points dx = np.diff(x) dy = np.diff(y) dd = np.hypot(dx, dy) # Normalize to find unit vectors dx = dx / dd dy = dy / dd # Find the total displacement along the broken curve d = np.hstack([0., np.cumsum(dd)]) interval = np.searchsorted(d, d_sampled) - 1 interval[0] = 0 dx = dx[interval] dy = dy[interval] polygons = [] x_beg = x_sampled x_end = x_sampled + dx * spacing y_beg = y_sampled y_end = y_sampled + dy * spacing if hasattr(self.width, 'unit'): scale = get_spatial_scale(wcs) width = (self.width / scale).decompose().value else: width = self.width x1 = x_beg - dy * width * 0.5 y1 = y_beg + dx * width * 0.5 x2 = x_end - dy * width * 0.5 y2 = y_end + dx * width * 0.5 x3 = x_end + dy * width * 0.5 y3 = y_end - dx * width * 0.5 x4 = x_beg + dy * width * 0.5 y4 = y_beg - dx * width * 0.5 for i in range(len(x_sampled) - 1): p = Polygon([x1[i], x2[i], x3[i], x4[i]], [y1[i], y2[i], y3[i], y4[i]]) polygons.append(p) return polygons
[docs] def to_patches(self, spacing, wcs=None, **kwargs): from matplotlib.patches import Polygon as MPLPolygon patches = [] for poly in self.sample_polygons(spacing, wcs=wcs): patches.append(MPLPolygon(list(zip(poly.x, poly.y)), **kwargs)) return patches