Source code for pvextractor.geometry.helpers

import numpy as np

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import (SkyCoord, BaseCoordinateFrame,

from .path import Path

[docs]class PathFromCenter(Path): """ A simple path defined by a center, length, and position angle. Parameters ---------- center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The center of the path length : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The length of the path in angular units angle : `~astropy.units.Quantity` The position angle of the path, counter-clockwise sample : int How many points to sample along the path. By default, this is 2 (the two end points. For small fields of view, this will be a good approximation to the path, but for larger fields of view, where spherical distortions become important, this should be increased to provide a smooth path. width : None or float or :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` The width of the path. If ``coords`` is passed as a list of pixel positions, the width should be given (if passed) as a floating-point value in pixels. If ``coords`` is a coordinate object, the width should be passed as a :class:`~astropy.units.Quantity` instance with units of angle. If None, interpolation is used at the position of the path. Notes ----- The orientation of the final path will be such that for a position angle of zero, the path goes from South to North. For a position angle of 90 degrees, the path will go from West to East. """ def __init__(self, center, length=None, angle=None, sample=2, width=None): # Check input types if not isinstance(center, (SkyCoord, BaseCoordinateFrame)): raise TypeError("The central position should be given as a SkyCoord object") if not isinstance(length, u.Quantity) or not length.unit.is_equivalent(u.deg): raise TypeError("The length should be given as an angular Quantity") if not isinstance(angle, u.Quantity) or not angle.unit.is_equivalent(u.deg): raise TypeError("The angle should be given as an angular Quantity") # We set up the path by adding and removing half the length along the # declination axis, then rotate the resulting two points around the # center. # Convert the central position to cartesian coordinates c1, c2, c3 = # Find the end points of the path clon, clat = center.spherical.lon, try: plat = clat + np.linspace(-length * 0.5, length * 0.5, sample) except ValueError: # Numpy 1.10+ plat = clat + np.linspace(-length.value * 0.5, length.value * 0.5, sample) * length.unit x, y, z = UnitSphericalRepresentation(clon, plat).to_cartesian().xyz.value # Rotate around central point # Because longitude increases to the left, we have to take -angle angle = -angle # We rotate (x,y,z) around (c1,c2,c3) by making use of the following # equations: # # x' = x cos a + (1 - cos a)(c1c1x + c1c2y + c1c3z) + (c2z - c3y)sin a # y' = y cos a + (1 - cos a)(c2c1x + c2c2y + c2c3z) + (c3x - c1z)sin a # z' = z cos a + (1 - cos a)(c3c1x + c3c2y + c3c3z) + (c1y - c2x)sin a # # Source: cosa = np.cos(angle) sina = np.sin(angle) xd = x * cosa + (1 - cosa) * (c1*c1*x + c1*c2*y + c1*c3*z) + (c2 * z - c3 * y) * sina yd = y * cosa + (1 - cosa) * (c2*c1*x + c2*c2*y + c2*c3*z) + (c3 * x - c1 * z) * sina zd = z * cosa + (1 - cosa) * (c3*c1*x + c3*c2*y + c3*c3*z) + (c1 * y - c2 * x) * sina # Construct representations points = center.realize_frame(CartesianRepresentation(x=xd, y=yd, z=zd)) super(PathFromCenter, self).__init__(points, width=width)